Category: White Vinegar

Cleaning eyeglasses

Eyeglasses will clean up and be free of streaks when wiped down with water to which a splash of vinegar has been added.Only use a clean microfiber cloth, anything paper based like tissues or most eye glass cleaning pads, can grind at the surface since wood is the core ingredient in paper.) Do NOT use […]

Cleaning drains

Keep your drains clean and working properly with vinegar. When they seem to be getting a bit sluggish, or even blocked, pour white vinegar down the kitchen and bathroom sinks and shower drain.Can be used as a regular maintenance to avoid problems. Safe for pipes and septic systems

Cat behavior moderator

1/2 cup (125ml) vinegar 1/2 cup (125ml) water If your cats have a bad habit of fighting with one another or scratching upholstery, a bit of vinegar might be all you need to correct unwanted behavior. Fill a spray bottle with equal parts vinegar and water. If you come upon your cats fighting one another, […]

Carpet spot and stain remover

As a carpet spot and stain remover, take a trigger spray bottle and fill with one part white vinegar to seven parts water. Saturate the stain with the vinegar solution and let it soak in for a few minutes. Next blot thoroughly with an old towel to remove excess moisture. Repeat until the stain has […]

Carpet cleaning

Use distilled vinegar to rinse your carpets after shampooing. The carpet will stay fresh longer and it removes any detergent residue. Use 4 tablespoons per 1 gallon (3.75 liters) of water.

Clean the washing machine

White Vinegar – 1 quart Baking Soda – 1 cup Did you ever stop to think that the appliance you use to clean your clothes could also get dirty? Depending on how much you use your washing machine, this simple process should be completed as often as weekly (for the two loads a day family) […]

Canine ear cleaner

1 tablespoon (15ml) vinegar 1 tablespoon (15ml) water 1 tablespoon (15ml) hydrogen peroxide Long-eared dogs tend to be more vulnerable to ear problems because the floppy nature of their ears makes a ripe breeding ground for moisture-loving yeast and bacteria. If your pet is prone to such problems, help keep Fido’s ears clean with a […]