Category: General Purpose

Wood and laminate floor cleaner

1/2 to 1 cup (125 to 250ml) vinegar 1 gallon (4 liters) warm water Keeping wood floors clean is the key to keeping them lustrous and beautiful. After a thorough sweeping, pick up an residual dirt with a damp mop and a combination of 1/2 cup (125ml) vinegar and the water (if you have been […]

Window blind cleaner

1 cup (250ml) vinegar 1 cup (250ml) warm water Before tossing out your sold cotton socks that have lost their mates, consider saving a few for spring cleaning-you can put them to good use by getting your window blinds nice and clean. Just put an old sock on your hand as if it were a […]

Wallpaper paste solvent

Vinegar makes a great solvent for wallpaper paste. Just dilute 1 cup (225ml) of white vinegar with 2 quarts (2-3 liters) of very warm water, and apply generously with a sponge. Once you get an edge or corner of the wallpaper to lift, then start working the vinegar solution behind the paper to break down […]

Wall patch and repair

2 tablespoons (36g) salt 2 tablespoons (16g) cornstarch 5 teaspoons water No need to buy a whole container of patching compound to fill a few nail holes in a wall when you can whip up a batch of this simple home formula instead. Combine salt, cornstarch, and water in a small bowl and stir to […]

Urine smell eliminator

2 cups (500ml) vinegar 1 cup (250ml) water 1 cup (220g) baking soda Repeated bedwetting not only makes for unpleasant sleep, but also a ruined mattress. Fortunately, you can rely on vinegar to get rid of the smell of urine. Mix the vinegar and water and apply with a sponge to affected areas. Blot dry […]

stuffed animal cleaner

1/2 cup (110g) baking soda Many plush toys are not safe in the washing machine, which makes the problem of cleaning them all the more challenging. To rid stuffed animals of unpleasant odors, place them in a plastic bag with 1/2 cup (110g) baking soda. Shake the bag gently and let sit overnight. In the […]