Category: Feet

Soothing foot bath

1/2 cup (60g) Epsom salt 1/2 cup (60g) baking soda 1 gallon (4 liters) warm water Looking for a great way to relax tired, aching feet? Try an olf-fashioned footbath: Simply mix the Epsom salt and baking soda into a large basin of warm water. Slip your feet in and soak for as long as […]

Home manicure or pedicure soak

1/4 cup (55g) baking soda 2 quarts (2 liters) warm water If you have dry cuticles and rough spots, take a few minutes to treat your hands and feet to the royal treatment by first soaking them in a warm baking soda solution for 10 minutes. After you’ve done soaking, tackle calluses with a pumice […]

Foot odor remedy

2 cups (500ml) vinegar If foot odor has you down, try spritzing your feet with a dose of full-strength vinegar every night for a few weeks. The vinegar will help kill odor-causing bacteria. An added bonus, the vinegar may also help after the pH levels on your skin, making it a less inviting place for […]

Foot odor eliminator

2 gallons (7.5 liters) warm water 1/2 cup (110g) baking soda 4 drops lavender essential oil (optional) If embarrassing foot odor has you down, don’t hide your feet in more layers of socks; instead, try pampering them with a baking soda soak once a week. Fill a plastic tub with the warm water and baking […]

Athlete’s Foot Treatment

1 cup (250ml) apple cider vinegar 1 cup (250ml) warm water Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungus that can lead to itchy, red patches on the skin, particularly between the toes; it grows easily in warm, moist environments (like shoes and shower stalls). The worst part is that it’s easily spread, so early treatment […]