Category: Car and Auto

Carpet cleaner for pet vomit

2 or 3 handfuls baking soda A sick pet can lead to all kinds of undesirable stains-from grass to bile to whatever was most recently in the food bowl- so make it a point to have some baking soda on hand for fast action. Start by sprinkling baking soda on the mess to neutralize the […]

Car window anti-icer

1/4 cup (75g) salt 1 1/2 cups (350ml) warm water To avoid the burdensome scraping and shoveling associated with winter snowstorms, try using the same salt strategy that works on roadways when another round of the white stuff is on its way. Dissolve the salt in the warm water, and wipe it on your car […]

Car emergency clean-up kit

1 16-ounce box (454g) baking soda 1 travel-size box baby wipes In order to be prepared for any kind of mess that can happen in the car, keep a box of baking soda and a small box of baby wipes handy. Sprinkle some baking soda on muddy spots on the floor mats, and they’ll be […]

Bumper sticker remover

1/2 cup (125ml) vinegar While bumper stickers are an incredibly popular means of self-expression, they can become a hindrance if you want to sell your car, and their adhesives make them notoriously difficult to remove-unless you know the vinegar secret. Soak a sponge in 1/2 cup (125ml) vinegar and use it soak the bumper sticker […]