Clean the washing machine

White Vinegar – 1 quart

Baking Soda – 1 cup

Did you ever stop to think that the appliance you use to clean your clothes could also get dirty? Depending on how much you use your washing machine, this simple process should be completed as often as weekly (for the two loads a day family) to every couple of months for the single a couple loads a week person.

Fill the washing machine to it’s highest lever with hot water, adding the vinegar as it fills. Allow to agitate for a few minutes, stop and allow to soak for at least one hour. After the soak, allow the machine to complete the cycle including the rinse. It will not need the full spin dry but it should spin for a few minutes to remove all the water. Repeat the wash cycle a second time adding the backing soda this time. The soak is optional but will not hurt.

While you are doing all of this, you can remove and clean parts and seals (as long as you know how to put it back together) plus wipe down tops, sides, control panels, etc, with a cleaning solution.