Remove cooking smells from hands
Remove cooking smells from hands by rinsing them with vinegar, then wash thoroughly with soap and water. Rinse water washing to insure all vinegar has been removed to prevent irritation.
Safe for humans, pets and the enviroment
Remove cooking smells from hands by rinsing them with vinegar, then wash thoroughly with soap and water. Rinse water washing to insure all vinegar has been removed to prevent irritation.
This tip came from a professional artist. You can re-balance the pH of the alkali in the material if you wash your hands with soap, then rinse well with a one-to-one solution of white vinegar and water each time. Rinse hands very well after the treatment to remove all vinegar from the skin. Always use […]
3 tablespoon (42g) baking soda 3 tablespoons (45ml) vinegar warm water Hairbrushes and combs need a deep clean every now and then to remove the buildup of styling products and oil that can accumulate; otherwise, a dirty brush can make for dirtier hair as you inadvertently put small amounts of those materials back into your […]
Fill a spray bottle with vinegar. Kill weeds or unwanted grass with direct application of vinegar onto the trouble spot.
1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup white distilled vinegar 20-30 drops lemon essential oil Shake well before using (2 teaspoons lemon juice may be substituted for lemon oil but then must be stored in refrigerator) Dip a clean, dry cloth into the polish and rub wood in the direction of the grain. Use a soft […]
2 cups (500ml) vinegar If foot odor has you down, try spritzing your feet with a dose of full-strength vinegar every night for a few weeks. The vinegar will help kill odor-causing bacteria. An added bonus, the vinegar may also help after the pH levels on your skin, making it a less inviting place for […]
1/4 cup (60ml) vinegar 1 gallon (4 liters) warm water Most likely a result of a practical joke, an egg-splattered car is not a laughing matter. Eggs can leave a protein-based residue that can badly damage a car’s paint surface. To remedy the situation, act as quickly as possible: Mix the vinegar solution to the […]
1/2 cup (110g) baking soda 1/2 cup (125ml) vinegar 2 quarts (2 liters) water A slow moving drain can be a harbinger of bigger problems unless it’s dealt with swiftly. But before you pour harsh chemicals down the drain, give this easy, natural formula a try: Start by pouring the baking soda in to the […]
Kill germs in the bathroom and kitchen by mixing vinegar and water in a spritzer bottle. Apply liberally.
If you have problems with ants and other insects invading your home, they are probably crossing your doorways and windowsills. If you pour vinegar across the opening sill, it stops them from crossing.